Graham Harmon
Crime Victim Advocate
336-753-6155 X104
Graham Harmon is certified as a Victim Service Practitioner by the North Carolina Victim Assistance Network and has completed training in Forensic Interviewing of Children by the National Children’s Advocacy Center. He is also certified in the RADAR (Recognizing Abuse Disclosure and Responding) Child Forensic Interview Training and the RADAR Jr Forensic Interview Model Training.
Graham has been with The Dragonfly House Children’s Advocacy Center since 2017, serving as both the Crime Victim Advocate and one of the Forensic Interviewers. In his role as a Crime Victim Advocate, Graham provides comprehensive support to child victims, their non-offending caregivers, and the multi-disciplinary team of professionals associated with the case. His advocacy begins with initial contact before the appointment, continues throughout the investigation, and extends to the conclusion of court proceedings and/or therapy services, ensuring that the needs of clients and their families are met according to established CAC guidelines.
As a Forensic Interviewer, Graham conducts judicially sound, non-leading forensic interviews with children who may have experienced various forms of abuse, neglect, or witnessed violence, adhering strictly to NCA Forensic Interview program standards.
Graham is passionate about his work because he believes in giving children a louder voice, helping them heal, and ensuring they receive the justice they deserve, all while making the process as comfortable and easy as possible for them.
When not at work, Graham enjoys spending time with his family and friends, playing music, driving, helping in the community, scuba diving, mountain climbing, and making jokes.