Who, What, When, Where, Why
The mission of W5 is to ensure all adults in North Carolina understand their legal and moral responsibility to protect children by reporting all forms of child abuse and neglect, because the burden should not be on the child to protect themselves.

In the state of NC anyone over the age of 18 are considered a state mandated reporter of suspected child abuse. If there is a suspicion of abuse, YOU* are mandated to make a report to the local child protective services agency and/or law enforcement where the abuse happened.
*All reports can be made ANONYMOUSLY

When making a report it is important to specify what forms of abuse the child is experiencing. Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect, Witness to Violence, or Dependency

Your local child protective services agency and law enforcement are available 24/7 to receive child abuse reports. No matter when the abuse happened, it is crucial to make a report as soon as you become aware.

Where the abuse takes place is an important factor in the reporting process. North Carolina has 100 counties, each with their own jurisdiction. Make sure to note in the report all locations the abuse may or may not have taken place.

Reporting is not just a request to help a child, it’s the law. Knowingly failing to report suspected child maltreatment is a class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by up to 120 days in jail and fines in the discretion of the Court. It only takes one person to make a difference in a child’s life.
Will you be that person?